- Greatest Movie Catfights Video #36
- Sexy catfight movie scenes with hot women. That's the ticket. We've got some beauties for you starting with a bikini brawl on the beach, a street battle in LA, a catfight in a pool, a blonde on blonde girl fight at a high end bar, an Asian vs. a blond and fights from films like THE FINDER, SIN MAGAZINE, IRON HORSE, THE TWILIGHT PEOPLE, JOSE AND THE PUSSCATS and many more. And a special bonus: Never before released video photo montage with unpublished photos from the famous movie classic catfight FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE. You see these women tangled up like you've never seen before. Catfights through the roof. 32 wild scenes.
- Duration: 64 Minutes
- Category: Film/Video
- Product Code: GMC36
- Download Price: $29.00
- DVD Price: $29.00 (+ shipping)
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