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Catfights on Amateur Video #8
We tried to assemble a selection of real catfights from as many different and unusual locations as possible. We have fights from a bathroom, from a courtyard, drunk girls in a parking lot, a multi-girl brawl, outside a club, inside a hallway, in a driveway, in the street at night, on a patio, in the park, at a gas station, in Malibu, in the middle of the street, in the forest, at McDonalds, in a train station and on and on and on. We also picked the catfights with most attractive women fighting we could find.

Contains 40, 100% real catfights from just about everywhere. If you like pretty females fight, here it is.
Duration: 80 Minutes
Category: Amateur
Product Code: ACV08
Download Price: $29.00
DVD Price: $29.00 (+ shipping)

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