- Real Street Catfights Video #14: Topless Fist Fights
- In the first fight 2 stunning beauties Gena and Rona strip off their shirts and begin slugging away. They SMACK flesh against flesh as they flail around the room trying to gain control of each other. Gena moans and groans as she gets beaten up by Rona. This is a non-stop brawl. In the rematch Gena and Rona pick up where they left off. Swinging wildly and attacking every body part they can. A great fight.
Gena and Yulia hate each other. They are not content to fist fight, as they turn their encounter into a bitchy catfight. Hairpulling as well a scratching and kicking are all included. They whack away at each other's nearly naked bodies trying to get the other to submit. They clash their bodies against each other with loud smacks. Gena is out for revenge. In the rematch she attacks Yulia mercilessly. The fight turns dirty with nipple grabbing and crotch punching. These 2 simply want to finish each other off and finally one of them does.
2 pretty girls go at each other in this final fight. Topless and vicious, Mar and Terri want to hurt each other but are not trained in fighting so they fight using natural instincts. A true catfight. - Duration: 60 Minutes
- Category: Real
- Product Code: RSC14
- Download Price: $29.00
- DVD Price: $29.00 (+ shipping)
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