- Catfight Mystery Video #4
- Our most popular value priced video series. And we made it even better. We edited the videos to highlight the actual catfights and were able to pack in 21 different scenes and they all have super sexy women fighting intense fights. Many of the fights go on and on until you can't believe it. Here's what's up: Bikini clad girls fight in a ring, an underground fistfight, a lingerie catfight, fistfighting on a public street in bikinis, a vicious cage fight, a bare-fistfight, foxy boxing, mud fighting, boxing in a cage, wrestling in a baby pool, wrestling in a ring, a sexy sword fight and much more.
- Duration: 62 Minutes
- Category: Value Priced
- Product Code: CMV04
- Download Price: $19.00
- DVD Price: $19.00 (+ shipping)
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