- Russian Catfights Video #23: Graffiti House Brawls
- Many have requested more of this series and here it is. . Fight #1, Sergia (pony tail) fights Molly(dark hair). Lots of punching and hairpulling until exhaustion. Fight #2: Coma (blonde) fights Molly. This is bare fisted boxing with a pure catfighting finish on the floor. Fight #3: Aliona (red head) fights Irene (black suit). Aliona, a former centerfold model is a first time fighter. She is as vicious as she is pretty. Pure catfighting here. Fight #4, Sergia fights again this time against Veta in a blue suit. Veta, another former model, finishes up with red fists and black and blue. A full hour of great catfighting awaits you here.
- Duration: 65 Minutes
- Category: Real
- Product Code: RC23
- Download Price: $29.00
- DVD Price: $29.00 (+ shipping)
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